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What to expect at the Hospital


Going to A&E or the ER or calling an ambulance or even going to urgent care or a walk in clinic can be a terrifying experience.  But it doesn't have to be.  Here are some of the many resources out there helping demystify the whole process.  They'll help you know what to expect, how to prepare, and help you make sure you are getting the kind of caring and compassionate treatment you deserve. - Covers what to expect, when to go, the kind of compassionate treatment you are entitled to, and has a form you can print off and take with you if you are worried you won't be able to articulate your needs and situations well when you are there. - Discusses when to go, what to expect on arrival, treatment of cuts and burns, talking to the doctor, and includes a short film clip. - When to go to A&E and what to expect for cuts and overdoses. - describes what a trip to the ER is like, avoids mentioning triggering details.


"Will they hospitalize me?" is a common concern.  What will determine this is whether or not the professional who is assessing you feels you are a severe risk to yourself - either because of self harm that they feel risks your health/life or they feel you may attempt to take your life.


Note: You will probably be in for quite a bit of waiting, so if you have a friend or family member who can support you, it is a good idea to ask someone to accompany you.  It can also make it less scary to have someone to chat with while you wait, or hold your hand.



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