A site devoted to providing information and resources about self-harm.
*This site is not intended to provide medical, psychological or legal advice, but simply to provide links to resources for coping with self-harm issues.
Infections are something every self-harmer, regardless of how severe they are harming, should be aware of. Writing or printing out the short list of infection signs and keeping it in a handy place (like a wallet, diary, or first aid kit) is a really good idea.
It is always a good idea to take care of an injury directly after it happens - washing, bandaging, whatever is recommended First Aid - and then to keep an eye on it as it heals. That way you can catch infections or any other problem that may arise as quickly as possible. - what can cause infections, how to identify infections, and treatment for infections. - Discusses cuts, burns, over doses, identifying and treating infection, treatment of scars, and shock. - NOTE: two drawings of a cut on this page. Describes what a healthy wound looks like, what risk factors are, what an unhealthy wound looks like, what treatment is.